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Spoopy Seebe Sunday

I spent Hallows Eve’s eve wandering around looking for the abandoned town of Seebe Alberta with Ben. We weren’t entirely sure how to get there; I’d never been before, but Ben had. We followed the train tracks for a while and did more bush-wacking than necessary but had a good time doing it. Eventually we came to the overgrown ball field. That was a pretty surreal sight to me, a field of overgrown, dead grass with small white birch trees growing out of it and a fallen down dugout. There’s not much left in Seebe but if we’re being honest, I would go back just for that. There’s some remnants of streets left and a water treatment plant of sorts as well as a sewage lagoon off on a nearby hill. Ben and I wandered for around four hours, I shot some film and a lot on my DSLR. My favourites were the water/rock photos shot at a popular cliff jumping spot and I think there’s going to have to be a series out of it eventually.

This is going to be the first of many adventures to ghost towns with my guy, Alberta and BC are chock full of abandoned communities and I can’t wait to see them all!

A field of trees that was once a ball field in the abandoned town of Seebe, Alta.
A smashed up green toilet.
The cliffed areas past the abandoned town of Seebe is a popular cliff jumping spot, though a number of people have lost their lives there.
Ben walking through the brush.
Ben stands on the outer edge of the baseball field, now filled with young birch trees.
Old fencing and dugouts don’t seem to be holding up as good as they once did.
Ben appreciates a large structure in abandoned Seebe.
Ben snaps a photo of the structure in Seebe.


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